May in Review

PFT5 stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine as they endure the current oppressive occupation of their land at the hands of the state of Israel.
Below are our May publications:
Free Palestine
Written by Editorial Committee

We are an organization that supports indigenous sovereignty both domestically and abroad.
Since its creation in 1948, the state of Israel has worked continuously through acts of genocide to expel Palestinian Muslims, Jews, and Christians from their land and created an apartheid state -- a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Over the last two weeks Israel has committed several war crimes against Palestine including attacking civilians and their homes, attacking the Al-Aqsa mosque, destroying roads to a hospital in Gaza, and attempting to silence journalists by bombing the office building of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera under unfounded claims of terrorist presence within the building.

Utilizing a Strength-based Approach to Teaching Students with Disabilities in Staten Island Schools
Written by Valeriana Dema
In an interview, Plea for the Fifth asks Sela more about the strength-based approach in her book, Shifting Focus:
There hasn't been a student that I worked with that wasn't capable of doing that, however “low functioning” someone may say that they were. Students have the capability to self-advocate. We just got to give them the power to do so, and switch that power over to them.
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Did you miss it?
Earth Day March on Graniteville Marsh in Staten Island 2021

Head over to PFT5's YouTube channel to catch our coverage of the Earth Day March on Graniteville Marsh in Staten Island against development of natural lands by corporations.
Also catch PFT5's City Council D-49 Candidates forum on our channel.
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Read about Martin Luther King Jr., an emblem of uncompromising solidarity in this commentary published in January 2021.
Commentary: MLK Tried to Tell Us
Written by Danny O.Z.E

While it is true that King championed nonviolent, direct action, and that his methods required great character, solidarity, and composure, Americans have, instead, reduced his legacy to one of compromise. King, however, was not compromising at all.